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Arunachal Pradesh Population
Estimated population in 2025
Estimated population of Arunachal Pradesh in 2025 | 1,711,947 |
Estimated population of males in 2025 | 883,358 |
Estimated population of females in 2025 | 828,589 |
Population as per 2011 census
Population | 1,383,727 |
Male Population | 713,997 |
Female Population | 669,730 |
% of Male' Population | 51.60% |
% of Female' Population | 48.40% |
% of India' Population | 0.11% |
Sex Ratio | 938 |
Child Sex Ratio | 972 |
Density/km2 | 17 |
Density/mi2 | 43 |
Area (km2) | 83,743 |
Area (mi2) | 32,333 |
Child Population (0-6 Age) | 212,188 |
Boys Population (0-6 Age) | 107,624 |
Girls Population (0-6 Age) | 104,564 |
Literacy | 65.38% |
Male Literacy | 72.54% |
Female Literacy | 57.71% |
Total Literates | 766,005 |
Male Literates | 439,868 |
Female Literates | 326,137 |
Population Rural | 1,066,358 |
Population Rural Percentage | 77.06% |
Population Urban | 317,369 |
Population Urban Percentage | 22.94% |
Arunachal Pradesh Religious Data
Description | Population in 2020 |
Percentage |
Estimated Population in 2025 |
Hindus | 401,876 |
29.04% |
497,201 |
Muslims | 27,045 |
1.95% |
33,460 |
Christians | 418,732 |
30.26% |
518,055 |
Sikhs | 3,287 |
0.24% |
4,067 |
Buddhists | 162,815 |
11.77% |
201,435 |
Jains | 771 |
0.06% |
954 |
Not Stated | 6,648 |
0.48% |
8,225 |
Others | 362,553 |
26.20% |
448,551 |
Total | 1,383,727 |
100.00% |
1,711,947 |
Arunachal Pradesh Population Facts
Description | Districts | As per 2011 census |
Most Populous District | Papumpare | 176,573 |
Least Populous District | Dibang Valley | 8,004 |
District with Highest Sex Ratio | Kurung Kumey | 1,032 |
District with Lowest Sex Ratio | Tawang | 714 |
District with Highest Literacy Rate | Papumpare | 79.95% |
District with Lowest Literacy Rate | Kurung Kumey | 48.75% |
District with Highest Population Density | Lohit | 61 |
District with Lowest Population Density | Anjaw | 3 |
District-wise Population
S.No. | District Name | As per 2011 census |
Estimated Population in 2025 |
1. | Anjaw | 21,167 |
26,188 |
2. | Changlang | 148,226 |
183,385 |
3. | Dibang Valley | 8,004 |
9,903 |
4. | East Kameng | 78,690 |
97,355 |
5. | East Siang | 99,214 |
122,748 |
6. | Kurung Kumey | 92,076 |
113,916 |
7. | Lohit | 145,726 |
180,292 |
8. | Lower Dibang Valley | 54,080 |
66,908 |
9. | Lower Subansiri | 83,030 |
102,725 |
10. | Papumpare | 176,573 |
218,456 |
11. | Tawang | 49,977 |
61,832 |
12. | Tirap | 111,975 |
138,535 |
13. | Upper Siang | 35,320 |
43,698 |
14. | Upper Subansiri | 83,448 |
103,242 |
15. | West Kameng | 83,947 |
103,859 |
16. | West Siang | 112,274 |
138,905 |